Linda is a retired internationally recognized consultant, speaker, writer, and professional development facilitator on a broad variety of higher education assessment topics. She's worked with colleges and universities throughout the United States and abroad. Her common sense approach has always focused not on assessment but on its primary purpose: helping every college student get the best possible education.
Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide, now in its third edition, is one of the best-selling books on assessment in higher education. Five Dimensions of Quality: A Common Sense Guide to Accreditation and Accountability features a forework by Stan Ikenberry.
With over 40 years of experience in higher education administration, including hands-on experience in assessment, institutional effectiveness, and strategic planning, Linda understands how colleges work. She has served as a Vice President at the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, Director of the American Association for Higher Education's Assessment Forum, Associate Vice President for Assessment & Institutional Research at Towson University, Assistant to the President for Planning at Millersville University, and Director of Institutional Research at the State University of New York College at Oswego.
Linda has taught graduate courses in assessment and educational research methods and undergraduate courses in first-year writing, statistics, and developmental mathematics.
Linda holds a B.A. in Quantitative Studies from Johns Hopkins University and an M.A. in Educational Measurement and Statistics from the University of Iowa.
Contact Linda at