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Why do I assess?

Originally posted on January 31, 2019, on LindaSuskie.com Last year was not one of the best for higher ed assessment. A couple of very negat...

What is good assessment? A second look

 Originally posted on March 17, 2014, on LindaSuskie.com

Back in December, I suggested that there are just two traits of “good” assessment:

1. Good assessment practices yield results that are used in meaningful ways to improve teaching and learning.

2. Good assessment practices are sustained and pervasive.

With support from the Teagle Foundation, Larry Braskamp and Mark Engberg at Loyola University Chicago have developed “Guidelines for Judging the Effectiveness of Assessing Student Learning” that have five domains:

1. Having a clear purpose and readiness for assessment

2. Involving stakeholders throughout the assessment process

3. What and how to assess is critical

4. Assessment is telling a story

5. Improvement and follow-up are an integral part of the assessment process

I like these domains for a couple of reasons. First, as I suggested in my February 7, 2014, blog, I’d rather focus on effectiveness than quality, so I like Larry and Mark’s framework of effective assessment rather than good assessment. Second, their five domains are a good explication of my two traits, and you may find them more helpful in communicating with your colleagues and stakeholders.